Website of Programmer and Web Developer Delfin Rosales, his past and current projects, services, and rambles of an unquiet mind.


Some sites programmed in the 2000's.

A real time online reservations system intended to be used by limousine companies all around the country. It ran from 2001 to 2005 and while the system worked like a charm, it did not receive the acceptance neccesary to keep it running. is a project made in colaboration with Frank Hannigan, a well respected scientist, engineer, and mathematician. It lists the foods, ingredients, vitamins, minerals, etc. of all the entries in the USDA Database.
It breaks down the Database information into human readable and understandable format.

This was a personal project of Frank's, who thought the USDA Database, while fairly complete, lacks an interface that puts all that mumbo jumbo into understandable words and numbers.

My job was coding Frank's algorithms into a website where we could present the results in easy to understand, clean cut tables. I keep the source files for that project although relinquished the copyright which remains property of Frank Hannigan.

Amadeus Limousines

Amadeus Limousines' owner and general manager was my friend and fellow countryman Jesus Rodríguez at the time this web site was built, around 2004.
We worked closely together while I was managing

Omias Restaurant
Sterling VA

San Buena Restaurant
Woodbridge VA

Panamerican Multiservices

As its name indicates, this is the real multi services agency.
Its owner, a peruvian-american fellow named Freddy Bastidas, as far as my knowledge goes, was indeed the first one to develop the concept of multi service.

His services include among others:
  • US passports
  • Birth certificates
  • Notary Public
  • Inmigration proceedings
  • Personal / Business taxes
  • and a whole lot more!

Their current website is here.

One thought

"It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop."


Chef Service
Servicio en Manassas
Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Del Rosales
Last modified on September 27 2021 12:56:20 EDT